Colorado Affective Sciences Laboratories
Colorado Affective Sciences Laboratories - Recent Tweets

Colorado Affective Sciences Laboratories (CASL)

The Colorado Affective Sciences Laboratories (CASL) initiative is an interdisciplinary and non-profit organization dedicated to fostering scientific inquiry and academic dialogue into the understanding of emotion. CASL showcases recent research in affective science and scholarly discussion with an interdisciplinary approach, and includes weekly speaker series, discussion groups, and collaborative research opportunities. Our common vision is that emotional phenomena is inherently an interdisciplinary field and is best advanced and understood from when it is engaged from, and in collaboration with, a variety of disciplines.

CASL Executive Committee

June Gruber, Co-Founder
Leaf Van Boven, Co-Founder
Tor Wager, Co-Founder
Kateri McRae, Member-at-Large

For more information about CASL,
please contact June Gruber.